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Social Prescribing Lead - A1910-25-0001


Job summary

Are you passionate about people and want to make a difference in people's lives? Are you interested in empowering people to take charge of their health and wellbeing? Would you like to become a part of an innovative approach to healthcare? Are you capable of leading and motivating a team?

We are seeking a proactive and caring individual who has experience of leading a team, who has excellent interpersonal and communication skills. You will be flexible, self-motivated and well organised and able to demonstrate compassion, understanding and empathy to others. You should be able to demonstrate experience of leading a team and ideally have experience of working in Primary Care as a Social Prescribing Link worker. You should also be able to demonstrate experience of addressing the wider determinants of health.

Main duties of the job

To lead and take overall responsibility for the Personalised Care Team within the Primary Care Network by providing experienced SPLW leadership and guidance.

Whilst acting as the Lead Social Prescribing Link Worker you will hold additional responsibilities as day to line manager for all SPLWs and Care Co-ordinators within the team providing day to day management and support as required.

Enabling yourself and the team to provide personalised support to individuals, their families and carers to take control of their wellbeing, live independently and improve their health outcomes. Develop trusting relationships by giving people time and focus on "what matters to me". Taking a holistic approach, based on the persons priorities and the wider determinants of health.

Co-produce a personalised support plan to improve health and wellbeing, introducing or reconnecting people to community groups and statutory services.

Work together with all local partners to collectively ensure that local VCSE organisations and community groups are sustainable and that community assets are nurtured, by making them aware of small grants or micro-commissioning if available, including providing support to set up new community groups and services, where gaps are identified in local provision.

Salary: £27000 - £35000pa

Hours Per Week: 37.5

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